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还有øya航天中心 relies on 十大正规体育平台 intercom solutions for Arctic Circle rocket launch and reSearch sites


- IP-based system provides uninterrupted, 高质量的, extremely reliable voice communication across remote locations in mission-critical applications - 

十大正规体育平台® is pleased to announce what is believed to be its northernmost installation in the world, at the øya航天中心(ASC) located two degrees north of the Arctic Circle in northern Norway, and a separate rocket launch site several hundred kilometers away at Ny-Ålesund, 斯瓦尔巴特群岛. The new 十大正规体育平台 installation is based around the HelixNet 数字网络专线系统 LQ IP 接口, and was chosen to overcome challenges including audio quality and long cable runs, as well as introducing flexibility to the system configuration and taking advantage of IP technology. 成立于1962年, 还有øya航天中心 is a solution provider for sounding rocket, balloon and remotely piloted aircraft operations. A sounding rocket is designed to take measurements and perform scientific experiments during its sub-orbital flight. ASC’s existing intercom system was based on analog 2-wire and 4-wire technology.

“As the activity at 还有øya航天中心 increased, we had a need to expand the intercom to enable multi-channel communication over long distances - anywhere from a few kilometres locally here at Andøya to several hundred kilometres to Ny-Ålesund in 斯瓦尔巴特群岛,哈尔盖尔·沃尔德说, 项目经理文档, 还有øya航天中心. “The intercom system had grown ad hoc, with some cable runs of up to 1500 meters. This eventually generated so much noise and crosstalk on the lines that it became a problem for us.” 

With previous experience of 十大正规体育平台’s analog solutions, the team turned once again to the leader in communications to discuss their requirements, which included the possibilities for intercom over IP. 

“We have had comprehensive communication with 十大正规体育平台’s representative, Soundware in Norway, throughout the process and they helped us to specify what we needed,” said Wold. “We borrowed a demo system to do some testing and were satisfied that the system based on HelixNet and LQ IP 接口 would provide the clarity and flexibility required.” 

Rolv山谷, 亚洲最大体育平台经理, Soundware said “During the proof of concept stage, Soundware demonstrated the combined flexibility of HelixNet and LQ which further improved the audio quality of the ASC’s digital system.”

The main HelixNet system is installed at Andøya Space Centre headquarters at Andenes, which houses important functions including Mission Control, 遥测控制和发射控制. The system includes three HelixNet HMS-4X master panels and several LQ IP to 4-wire and IP to 2-wire 接口, 加上远程面板, 扬声器站和有线腰带包. The 斯瓦尔巴特群岛 operation features a HelixNet master panel and an 安可Partyline系统 通过四个连接 LQ IP到2线接口, which in turn are connected to the system at Andenes over IP. 另外两个 HelixNet扬声器站面板 are located at two reSearch stations in Longyearbyen - the EISCAT 斯瓦尔巴特群岛 Radar, 北极光天文台, 以及谢尔·亨利克森天文台. These panels are also connected over IP directly to a HelixNet HMS at Andenes. 

“A rocket launch is not something we take lightly, and uninterrupted communication with 高质量的 is critical to us during these times. All communications in connection with a launch, 包括倒计时, now takes place on the 十大正规体育平台 system,沃尔德说。. “The combination of HelixNet and LQ IP 接口 have given us a significant improvement in the quality of the intercom. We are now far more flexible because we can configure a HelixNet panel here at the office, and then send it to the location it will be used. The user at the remote site simply has to connect it to the network and we are up and running right away. 没有比这更容易的了! +, the sound quality is also significantly improved and all the users give us very good feedback on this.” “We have tried to keep the number of panels to a minimum by distributing the important communication to the PA system at the site, to locations where one may need to keep track of what’s happening such as corridors, 休息室和食堂,沃尔德解释道。. “That way one can keep track of what’s happening without necessarily being in front of a panel.” 

Users can also connect to the system remotely via the Agent-IC Android和IOS手机应用, 由LQ小组主持, so they can move around the facility or maintain communication when the road is 关闭d in connection with a rocket launch. 

Wold concluded, “Overall, the system has made our everyday life easier. The flexibility we have to move a HelixNet panel from one location to another, or reconfigure our setup quickly and easily over a web interface, 真的是很大的进步吗. I have full control of the system from my office, without having to send personnel out in the field.”