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世外桃源 Streamlines Functionality and Workflows for 公园里的辛辛那提剧场


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60多年来, 公园里的辛辛那提剧场 has presented masterful theater performances and has consistently expanded its commitment to its patrons from Greater Cincinnati and those who come from far and wide to experience its wide-ranging programming.

随着安装 十大正规体育平台®’s 世外桃源®中央车站, FreeSpeak边缘®, FreeSpeak二世® Wireless Intercom Systems as part of their 2023 expansion, the multiple Tony Award-winning facility has increased its ability to communicate fluently across its entire campus.

Following a large capital-raising campaign, the Playhouse just opened a new building in March. “It was a total campus renovation,” explains Aaron Stephenson, A/V Supervisor for the Playhouse. “It was a big investment for the build, but also [for] the technology needed to make it functional.”

亚伦解释说,大, nonprofit theater frequently aspires to transition shows to Broadway, and has won a Tony Award for a show they successfully transitioned to New York. 正因为如此, they needed a backstage communication system that could handle very different needs for productions ranging from dramas, jukebox musicals and farces to big Broadway shows with a 26-person cast and 20-person orchestra.

“We need to be able to facilitate communication between all of those,” Aaron says. “And we often have specific channels where you have one team talking about one thing and another team talking about another thing, so we can work efficiently to get these shows up and running to make great theater.”

最终, the Playhouse installed 世外桃源 because it could handle all their 审稿 in the 537-seat Moe and Jack’s Place – The Rouse Theater and the 172-seat Rosenthal Shelterhouse Theatre. “世外桃源 combined all the functionality we required in one device,” Aaron says. “不管我们需要什么, 我们可以在两个空间中简化它, which none of us expected we'd be able to do with one base station. 所以它超出了我们的预期.”

The Playhouse always strives to provide patrons with the best possible experience via cutting-edge technology and by dedicating the necessary resources to ensure their shows are great on a local, 国家, 全球范围内. “这需要很多人员,他继续说道。, 灯光和音响操作员, 舞台工作人员, 自动化, 聚光灯, and stage management and design teams from around the country.所有的都需要持续的, detailed communication at every stage of the process, 从技术彩排到表演.

“That's where 十大正规体育平台 comes into the picture,” Aaron continued. “Their technology is so flexible, modular, and scalable. 《亚洲最大体育平台》和《亚洲最大体育平台》, we're discovering features we didn't even realize we wanted until we found them in the software and realized, ‘哇, 我们可以走这条路, 然后根据需要随时更改。”.”

世外桃源 was up and running when staff got into the new building in February 2023. “Even though we had minimal training on the system, 当我们建立它的时候, 第一次尝试就成功了, 这很罕见. 马上就开始, the cross-platform functionality – using all these different 十大正规体育平台 technologies together and being able to communicate between them – was tremendous.”

该系统由FreeSpeak边缘组成, FreeSpeak二世, and a previously-used analog 4-channel wired system – all of which are run simultaneously through 世外桃源, 允许流利, reliable communicating between digital and analog, 有线和无线, 审稿. “We can also create custom groups/channels that we can change to meet the distinct needs of tech rehearsals, 预览, 和生产, 这对我们很有用,亚伦补充道.

“We’ve been devoted 十大正规体育平台 acolytes for years,他继续说道。. “搬到阿卡迪亚去, FreeSpeak边缘, and FreeSpeak二世 offers substantial benefits in meeting the Playhouse's unique 审稿 needs.”

这在庇护之家的场地上很明显, 原来的, smaller space where the Playhouse sees more intimate work. “It’s a historic park department stone-walled shelter house, so working on the 1.9 frequency is really useful for us,” Aaron explains. “FreeSpeak二世 with one antenna covers the entire space, 包括大厅, 即使穿过石墙, and FreeSpeak边缘 is useful for the Rouse.”

Facilitating discrete communications is critical. “If we’re linking lights and sound together on a show, 例如, we'll switch them over to a group that allows them to communicate without bothering someone programming 自动化 or working through a particularly challenging scene change on the deck.”

Although adding a back-of-house system like intercom isn’t something patrons can see or hear, being able to communicate ensures the highest-quality production values and keeps people safe. “We've talked a lot about the quality of the shows, 但是通信的主要功能, 在我心中, 是安全, the fact that people can communicate with who they need to efficiently and quickly. 这个新剧院很拥挤, 所以我们头顶上有移动部件, 定位球飞来飞去, 自动化的风景, 陷阱门, all manner of motorized moving objects that can be dangerous if you don’t have constant and vigilant communication.”

十大正规体育平台’s audio quality addresses and sufficiently solves that problem, he concludes. “噪音, 干扰, 响, 嗡嗡声, or just being unable to hear what people are saying – eliminating that helps us focus and communicate more clearly.”