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CASE STUDY: IBC 2017’s Technology and Events Team


2017 marked the 50th year for IBC, the largest international conference and exhibition for the media, entertainment and technology industries.  IBC’s Technology and Events Team turned to 十大正规体育平台® 连续第二年提供全面的通信解决方案,为IBC电视运营和在礼堂举行的现场活动提供服务.

Live Events Reliability

The Auditorium plays host to a range of events during IBC, including keynotes, conference sessions, 大银幕电影放映,当然还有久负盛名的IBC颁奖典礼.

“我不止一次听人说,如果它不是世界上最好的电影, it’s certainly no less than the second best,” says Matthew Tomkinson, Deputy Director Technology & Events, IBC.

The Auditorium features Dolby Vision laser projectors, Dolby Atmos sound and the very latest screen technology. However, 现有的室内通讯系统无法满足IBC对各种活动的需求.

“Our requirements for the Auditorium were fairly simple, but clarity and reliability were absolutely essential,” says Matthew. “We had teams on the balcony and behind the stage, 还有前排和后排座位区的音响师, 因此,他们需要一种系统,使他们能够非常安静地相互交谈,但仍能被听到.”

The system for the Auditorium comprised of an Eclipse HX-Delta digital matrix platform, a HelixNet digital partyline system and an integrated FreeSpeak II wireless system working on the 1.9GHz频率,通过Eclipse框架内的E-QUE-HX无线控制卡连接. The HelixNet main station and V-Series keypanels were installed in the projection booth and on the balcony, FreeSpeak II无线收发天线和背带使团队能够在保持连接的同时在礼堂周围自由移动.

“对于所有的现场活动,你需要一个沟通系统来帮助你保持控制和亚洲最大体育平台, to ensure everything runs smoothly,” says Matthew. “这正是十大正规体育平台系统所做的——操作简单, it is very reliable, and the audio clarity is excellent.”

Connecting Production TeamsFor IBC TV, which produces live and packaged shows throughout the event, the requirement was also, of course, for clear and reliable communications - but across a wider area.

“我们有主要的IBC电视演播室,外加一个控制室和演播室画廊, 我们还在三个会议室里连续拍摄,” says Andi Goodman, Technical Manager, IBC TV.

这里的十大正规体育平台解决方案是一个Eclipse HX-PiCo数字矩阵,每个会议室都安装了一个v系列面板,这是2017年安装的新功能. A 1.9GHz FreeSpeak II base station was placed in the control room, 有两个收发天线,支持生产团队的八个无线腰带.

“我们有很多人在演播室,FreeSpeak II天线和背带包让他们有机会移动,但仍然能够听到和导演说话,” says Andi. “这给了我们很大的灵活性——例如,灯光摄影师需要能够设置和移动灯光,并操作灯光控制台, 因此,无线而不是固定在相机位置对他很有好处.”


“在会议室安装面板非常简单,这意味着我们可以很容易地亚洲最大体育平台操作员,” Andi adds. “For example, 如果我们能在控制室看到音频很低或者对口型出了问题, we could ask them to put a delay in. 他们也可以与导演沟通,让他知道是否有延迟的开始时间,或者是从图片开始还是从黑色开始.”


“I thought the control panels were very intuitive. 自由操作员和制作团队经历了许多不同类型的对话面板, 这取决于他们为任何特定的亚洲最大体育平台工作的设施, 因此,坐在直观的面板前,可以很容易地直接操作,这是一个很大的好处,” he says. “我确信我只是触及了他们所能做的事情的表面,但他们确实提供了我们需要的东西.”

To facilitate the transporting, routing and distribution of the intercom, audio and video signals throughout the RAI convention center, 十大正规体育平台 recommended BroaMan 提供一个完全可靠和冗余的基于光纤的音视频网络骨干网. 十大正规体育平台和BroaMan组合之前已在许多广播和现场生产客户中安装,并取得了巨大成功, so the workflow was already proven; and IBC TV decided to implement it.

“我们对部署非常满意,该解决方案引入了简化的工作流程. 通过BroaMan从每个会议室获取视频和音频,并将它们添加到节目内容中,并将通信连接到同一个系统中,效果非常好,” says Andi.

World-Class Support

In terms of set-up and support, Matthew and Andi both pay tribute to Ibrahim (Ibi) Ali, 十大正规体育平台’s Application Engineer, who set up the system on site and was available throughout the show.

马修说:“伊比知识渊博,没有什么是他不知道的。. “他是那种安静的人,会让事情发生——不会大惊小怪, 你几乎不知道他在那里,突然一切都准备好了.”

Andi concurs: “I wasn’t familiar with the configuration software, 所以易卜拉欣花了整整三个小时向我展示这个系统是如何工作的. He was also happy to come down at any point to help with any issues, and was available to me on the phone over the four days.”

As the show evolved through rig day and rehearsal day, Ibrahim also worked closely with David [Spencer, 导演]来呈现他需要的更复杂的方面, 例如设置单独的4线,使声音助理能够与声音主管交谈, and the floor manager to talk back to the director.


Essential Comms

Phil White, IBC Director of Technology & Events, was equally happy with the communications set up.

“2017年是IBC又一个创纪录的年份,我们技术成功的关键是clearcom的持续支持,” he said. “Communications on site are essential; from the gallery and control rooms transmitting live IBCTV, 到会议和表演的特色操作区域-这是保持现场节目流动的关键. 特别是对于IBC奖项,是clearcom将所有奖项结合在一起. 不仅设备一流,而且他们团队的现场支持也是首屈一指的. A totally professional operation.”