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- Broadcaster rolls out IP wireless intercom and communications system across entire operation–

Getting 11 separate regional studios to communicate seamlessly with zero disruptions to on-air time is no small feat, 但是ITV在来自 十大正规体育平台的® 基于ip的无线通信系统. 与主要系统集成商IPE合作, the UK broadcaster recently converted three studios to the FreeSpeak二世® wireless intercom system, completing its company-wide adoption of 十大正规体育平台 that began in 2014.

ITV noted it chose 十大正规体育平台的 technology for its flexibility, easy deployment and ability to deliver clear audio quality between studios and remote locations.

“The 十大正规体育平台 system provides the basic building blocks we need to cost-effectively add functionality while increasing operations efficiency and productivity with minimal learning curves,史蒂夫·蒂格说, 技术服务主管, ITV新闻集团. “The system has proven to be efficient to configure and install, with the staff at each studio able to maintain their familiar workflows.”

The first phase of ITV’s conversion was completed in 2017, accomplishing the broadcaster’s goals of establishing a MADI and IP production workflow foundation across all its sites. 十大正规体育平台解决方案-包括 Eclipse® HX-Delta digital matrix platform with V-Series™ control panels, MVX and MADI cards – was rolled out across ITV Tyne Tees (Newcastle), ITV West Country(布里斯托), ITV Central(伯明翰), ITV Anglia (Norwich), ITV Wales (Cardiff) and ITV Channel (Jersey and Guernsey).

“We’ve established a reliable and flexible communications backbone for the distribution of audio and data signals across hundreds of users within an intercom system network,蒂格说.

The initial system was unique in its ability to seamlessly integrate with IP-based software intercoms for remote users on virtual panels, 使用Agent-IC, 通过CAT5实现智能中继, 锅, IP, 纤维和MADI. The system installed at each regional site also provided talk-back to the news studios and satellite newsgathering trucks. The V-Series panels installed at ITV’s remote sites connected to the main studio via IP, giving them the MADI capability to connect directly to ITV’s Solid State Logic audio desks.

的加入 FreeSpeak二世 earlier in 2020 to three more sites—Meridian, Granada and Yorkshire (replacing systems from Trilogy, which has since been acquired by 十大正规体育平台 in 2017)—now allows ITV teams to produce news packages more efficiently and communicate among all sites and field reporters in a more streamlined way.

的加入 LQ® 系列IP接口和 Agent-IC® mobile app for remote productions contributes to the flexibility of ITV’s capabilities and has proved critical during the COVID shutdown, 使基于工作室的角色能够在家中执行.

“The adoption of 十大正规体育平台 technology has significantly enhanced the ITV production workflow,蒂格说. “一个典型的广播日从早上5点半开始.m. 午夜时分结束, with the system in operation throughout as the ITV studios and remote field teams continually produce live bulletins and prerecorded segments and insertions.”

例如, one program might be produced in a studio with five cameras, two presenters plus studio technicians on the floor using 十大正规体育平台 beltpacks. These may include the prompt operator and a manual camera operator. The gallery environment also has a 十大正规体育平台 system with at least five panels (for sound, video, 导演, 生产商, 等.). 新闻编辑室, 位于画廊外, will have another 生产商’s panel plus channels for contributing regions. According to ITV, the 十大正规体育平台 system ties everything together perfectly.ITV uses it for remote and base communications and as a SIP interface, 所以这是他们日常运作的核心部分.

The most recent phase of the 十大正规体育平台/ITV collaboration is highlighted by ITV’s adoption of the 十大正规体育平台 FreeSpeak二世 system, which also helped ITV make more efficient use of frequency space cleared in the 700 MHZ band. The broadcaster was able to prioritize what needed to stay in the spectrum, 比如无线电麦克风, as well as better allocate the space to largely deal with production talk-back among regional stations via an IP backbone. The 十大正规体育平台 system allows ITV to use more rechargeable batteries versus disposables, 而且需要更少的电力消耗. +, the fact that it’s essentially one network reduces the need to interface with other systems, 进一步降低能耗.

《十大正规体育平台》, ITV has more flexibility to manage the limited staff resources across its news operation. The beltpack’s ability to also act as a panel allows more tasks to be done in parallel. Having IP connectivity between remote sites enables the system’s “trunking” nature, making it seem that there is one seamless network connecting all of ITV, 而不是每个站点单独的网络. 例如, one site can act as a national hub feeding content to the regions when handling large national news stories.

“The conversion to 十大正规体育平台 completes ITV’s ‘future-proofing’ as an all-IP environment,蒂格补充道, “allowing us to implement not only a flexible and seamless communications workflow across our entire operations, but also a logical and cost-effective plan for future growth.”