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Skillshot Media Deploys 十大正规体育平台 for ‘A Super Bowl of Esports Style Event’


Held in November 2022 at the Cobb Galleria in Atlanta, GA, the BCX World Championship is the 7th annual event of its kind. It is also the biggest Brawlhalla esports tournament ever, 第一个打开, 自2019年起与与会者进行面对面活动. Developed by Atlanta-based Blue Mammoth Games and published by Ubisoft, Brawlhalla is an immensely popular free platform fighting game with over 80 million players worldwide. Beyond the competition itself and the opportunity for fans to congregate and meet other like-minded individuals, the event was a full expo featuring a variety of activities and series of developer panels throughout the 3-day event.

Given the overall scope of the 2022 BCX World Championship, a substantial communications network consisting of a variety of systems and different manufacturers’ technology was necessary. And 十大正规体育平台® was integral to ensuring all those elements played well together.

Designing and implementing comms systems in the esports space can be challenging, 迪伦·罗伯茨解释道, Director of Production Operations for Skillshot Media, 该公司正在筹备这次活动. “It’s a space where many people don’t know how the systems interact. There are a lot of different systems that have to talk to each other that you wouldn’t normally use in traditional sports environments.”

作为clearcom的长期合作伙伴, Skillshot’s use of 十大正规体育平台 technology is “almost like beta-testing products” for the Esports environment, 罗伯茨补充道, citing the company’s early adoption of 十大正规体育平台 products, 包括HelixNet, FreeSpeak二世, 最近发布的世外桃源平台, 情报站和情报员IC.

For the BCX World Championship, Skillshot deployed a system comprising an Eclipse® hx -中间帧,2 E-DANTE 和一个 E-IPA 接口卡,五个 FreeSpeak二世® 收发器,20个FSII腰带包,12个v系列 虹膜™ 面板,三个 亚洲最大体育平台™ 虚拟桌面客户端和 Agent-IC® 移动应用许可证.

Coordinating the various systems and ensuring they’re working correctly and set up clearly requires “a lot of hands, 大脑, 和声音,罗伯茨指出, adding that the amount of traffic and conversation flow for an event like this goes well beyond everybody taking orders. “There’s a lot of two-way traffic in the communication workflow, so we always bring in a comms specialist to put the puzzle pieces together.在这种情况下, that was 十大正规体育平台 Product Manager Frank Linton, who worked 关闭ly with Skillshot on the system design and was pivotal in integrating the various communications technologies.

Prep work and pre-planning among multiple stakeholders (event organizers, 执行制片人, 生产工作人员, 竞争对手, 实况转播的人才, 而游戏开发者则花了大约6个月的时间. The three-day event involved two simultaneous live broadcasts, 7个同步过渡馈送, and 30+ hours of broadcast captured by approximately 35 cameras. 此外, 它需要坚如磐石, reliable communication between roughly 200 crew members, 17个直播达人, 超过600个活跃的竞争者.

Calling this an unusually comms-heavy event is an understatement. “These world championships are the biggest events for game developers for the entire year; the equivalent of a Super Bowl for esports,罗伯茨说.

Although the technical requirements are different and the playing field is virtual, the pressure to perform is similar to traditional sporting events for gamers and everyone working behind the scenes. 这是一个快节奏的游戏环境, even more so than a traditional sporting event, 而且比赛休息时间更少. Then there’s the additional layer of capturing and transmitting audio from computers and game consoles that aren’t necessarily designed for broadcast.

On-site or not, for everyone involved, in any capacity, counting down to going live is intense. “There’s little room for error,” 罗伯茨补充道. “Live production is unforgiving; once it’s out there, it lives on the Internet. It doesn’t give you a chance to correct mistakes. 因此,交流可以成就或破坏节目.”

“The 十大正规体育平台 system was invaluable,” he continues. “对我们来说, the most important thing about 十大正规体育平台 is that with all the different products and features, we’re still able to integrate it with other systems and their mainframes. 我们做过的任何活动都不一样, 所以我们总是要有加法的能力, subtract or change the gear to mix and match technologies.”

Doing so fluidly and efficiently and helping others do the same continues to fuel the success of Skillshot’s ongoing work with 十大正规体育平台. “I would say our partnership is built around education,罗伯茨说. “We train people to use 十大正规体育平台 so they can go out and support others in the industry. We do workshops with 十大正规体育平台 covering how we integrate systems in esports — which, 再一次。, is very different from other broadcast applications.”

最终, 十大正规体育平台 is a no-brainer for Skillshot for a multitude of reasons: the price point, 质量, 可靠性, 还有各种各样的技术可供选择. “They take a lot of pride in making sure people buying their product are offered training and support. 这对我们来说是一个重要因素,”罗伯茨说. “But, most importantly, it’s the audio 质量. Even when people in-house open their mics in a loud environment, 它是清晰而明确的, and we can actually hear that (level of) definition through them. 十大正规体育平台是一个很好的供应商.”

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